
Issue Title
No 27 (2021): Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Selected Topics in Management and Modeling of Complex Systems: Editorial Introduction to Issue 27 of CSIMQ Abstract  PDF
Peter Forbrig, Kurt Sandkuhl
No 22 (2020): Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Selected Topics on Socio-technical Perspective in Information Systems: Editorial Introduction to Issue 22 of CSIMQ Abstract  PDF
Peter Bednar, Alexander Nolte
No 36 (2023): Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Overcoming System Complexity using Models and Knowledge Structures. Editorial Introduction to Issue 36 of CSIMQ Abstract  PDF
Erika Nazaruka, Tarmo Robal
No 27 (2021): Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Identity Management in an Institution of Higher Education: A Case Study Using Structural Coupling and Fractal Enterprise Model Abstract  PDF
Ilia Bider, Erik Perjons
No 37 (2023): Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Integrating Models of Observing and Observed Activities Based on an Example of Empirical Research in Information Systems Discipline Abstract  PDF
Ilia Bider
No 22 (2020): Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly Using Enterprise Models to Explain and Discuss Autopoiesis and Homeostasis in Socio-technical Systems Abstract  PDF
Ilia Bider, Gil Regev, Erik Perjons
1 - 6 of 6 Items

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